Body:43-­58 cm
Weight:4.5­-6 kg


Hylobates lar

Gibbons are not very easy to see, because they spend most of their life high up in the canopy – but they are easy to be heard. Gibbons call as a way of marking territory and warning family members about predators. Songs vary from males to females. Gibbons have no tail which is one reason why they are not considered monkeys but apes. They have long arms, enabling them to brachiate (swing) between tree branches. A gibbon can brachiate at speeds as high as 55km/h (35 mph) and can travel as far as 9 m (30 feet) in one swing. Most other primates simply jump between branches. Gibbons have a lifespan of about 44 years ‘endangered’ on the IUCN Red List.

Did you know...?

… that gibbons sometimes eat small birds which they catch in the air – mid­swing?